Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Christmas Carol

What would your Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come tell you if you’re visited by them???

For would be...

My Ghost of Christmas Past : The ghost would be from year 2004 Christmas eve. That time, I was in a camp at a seaside in Langkawi island and Tsunami had struck our camp site. It would remind me how lucky I am that I should even appreciate my life more as I am still alive even after that incident.

My Ghost of Christmas Present : It will tell me that I have managed to get a pair of tickets of “DISNEY’S A CHRISTMAS CAROL” in 3D premiere screening from Nuffnang and that’s the best Christmas gift for this year. *fingers cross*

My Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come : It will tell me to always celebrate this joyful day with the one I care the most. Make my Christmas a special one among the other 364/365 days for every year.

For the past, it's indeed an unforgettable experience...

For the present, thanks to the ghost of x'mas present, Nuffnang for the X'mas gift...

For the future, I will make it special every year...

I like Christmas...Merry Christmas...